'Ello 'Ello 'Ello...what's all this then?

  Event Manager Zoe Goode gets ready to help solve the mystery behind Who Killed His Lordship?

Event Manager Zoe Goode dressed as a police woman, ready to for a murder mystery night!

Event Manager Tamara said "I love Zoe playing PC Whirl, she looks like butter wouldn't melt but in reality she's a real tough cop, not to be messed with! Teams always think they can charm information out of her, but not our Zoe, she always stays true to her role till the bitter end."

Check out Who Killed His Lordship? and our other murder mysteries at our main website!

Murder at Bracket Hall - Sherlock Prepares

Our very own Terry Bird practices his 'Sherlock' face behind the scenes of Murder at Bracket Hall.

Event Manager Zoe says "Terry completely throws himself into the role of Sherlock. He is one of the best at audience participation - getting everyone up, out of their seats and giggling into their napkins from his very first entrance. He once did a spectacular forward roll entrance to add to the drama - let's just say it left an impression!"

Learn more about Murder at Bracket Hall and our other evening murder mysteries at our main website!

Behind The Scenes Of A Murder Mystery - Who Killed His Lordship?

Event Manager Dave Hall as Lord John

Event Manager Dave Hall gets ready for his 'big scene' as Lord John in Who Killed His Lordship?

"I prefer it when the event is a complete surprise to the guests", Dave said. "That way, we get the greatest shock value from the opening scene! Soon enough I'm lying dead in the middle of dinner, and Sherlock takes over for his big intro. The hardest part is staying 'dead' throughout that section, and I have taken to falling on my front so that guests can't see me laughing!"

Learn more about Who Killed His Lordship? and our other murder mystery events at our main website!

Behind The Scenes of a Murder Mystery - Hollywood Homicide

Katrina in costume ready for her big entrance!

Event Manager Katrina Shoesmith gets ready for her big scene in last night's Hollywood Homicide.

"Playing Marilyn is a lot of fun", Katrina said. "I love the big song and dance number entrance and the death scene is always brilliant! The guests always get really involved and the finale often reveals quite a few shocks - as well as a lot of laughs".

For more information on Hollywood Homicide, our other top murder mysteries or our client feedback, take a look at The Murder Mystery Company site!