Scarlet... Library... Revolver

Here at The Murder Mystery Company, we have been devoting vast time and resources into answering one of the most important questions in existence - just how effective are the 6 traditional Cluedo weapons? In the latest of our posts, it’s time to look at... The Revolver

The Revolver

It is perhaps strange that the revolver is only used as a murder weapon in Cluedo one sixth of the time; at face value, it has the benefit of range, ease of use and simplicity. Point and shoot.

So why is it that five sixths of the time would-be-murderers would rather use blunt, sharp or hessian objects rather than the combination of gunpowder and lead? The kind of mathematical certainty one gets when randomly selecting one of six cards? Or something more?

Guns are loud. Really, really loud. They weigh in at around 140 decibels, which is loud enough that in a confined space can easily cause permanent damage to your ears.

One way to catch someone who had just fired a gun inside a stately home would be to go up to everyone in turn and say, in a loud and clear voice, “Guilty people say ‘what?’” - case closed.

Silencers don’t silence, they merely reduce the sound from the volume of a gunshot to the volume of, say, a jet engine. Again, that’s something other party guests are going to notice.

Another way of solving the Cluedo crime quickly would be using Gun Shot Residue, which basically means every time you fire a gun your hand and arm get covered with little particles from the gunshot, that can be linked back to the exact gun you fired.

The revolver is an interesting choice of weapon for a would-be-Cluedo murderer, because the actual killing part is the easy bit - it’s returning yourself to a position of ‘reasonable doubt’ among the cast of suspects that is hard to do.

To stand a chance you would need to have a revolver, some ear protection, some disposable gloves, some kind of protection for your arms and the ability to hide all of this equipment expertly in the seconds you would have before everyone came running into the crime scene screaming “Was that a jet engine I just heard?”

The many bladed fan from a powerful jet engine...

Mind you, I suppose that’s what secret passages were invented for.

Pros: Simple to use; effective; ranged.

Cons: Noise; forensic evidence; bad for ears.

A Guide To Booking A Successful Murder Mystery - Step Two

So, you’ve completed step one and made your decision. You know the purpose and main aims of your murder mystery event; now it’s time to look into the particulars...

Step Two - Things to Consider

How many guests will be attending?

  • If you’re not sure on exact numbers it’s better to overestimate than underestimate!
  • Think about the maximum number of guests and the expected number of guests.
Who will be attending?
  • How well do you know the guests? Think about ages, gender, departments, seniority.
  • Are there any disabilities that need to be considered?
  • Knowing characteristics and needs of the team will help with event suggestions; ensuring something suitable for all types.

Do you have a set date & time?

  • It’s worth bearing in mind that specific dates in the year and even certain days of the week can be busier than others. More flexibility will often mean better venue rates.
  • Are you planning an evening or day murder mystery?
  • How much notice will you give guests? Short notice, Friday nights and weekends may not work so well if they have family commitments.
  • Can the date tie in with other occasions? Team meeting, conference, product launch etc..

Location & Venue?

  • Where is the group based?
  • Do you have a set location or venue in mind?
  • How will the guests get to/from the venue?
  • Do you need any overnight accommodation?

Of course, you are welcome to use our Free Venue Finding Service at this point - you don't have to do it all yourself!

Having a detailed brief will help you get the best event options and venue suggestions for your murder mystery party. Although we understand it’s not always achievable to know all the key details, having as much information as possible will mean a better proposal with well-suited choices and accurate costings. Putting you on the right path to a great event and happy guests!

Next step - setting the budget!

Behind The Scenes of a Murder Mystery - Hollywood Homicide

Katrina in costume ready for her big entrance!

Event Manager Katrina Shoesmith gets ready for her big scene in last night's Hollywood Homicide.

"Playing Marilyn is a lot of fun", Katrina said. "I love the big song and dance number entrance and the death scene is always brilliant! The guests always get really involved and the finale often reveals quite a few shocks - as well as a lot of laughs".

For more information on Hollywood Homicide, our other top murder mysteries or our client feedback, take a look at The Murder Mystery Company site!

Plum... Billiard Room... Candlestick

Cluedo Since 1949 Cluedo has allowed us to investigate the death of Dr Black at the hands of one of six colourfully named characters, who did the deed in one of nine rooms and with one of six weapons.

It's a process of elimination exercise, and has been filling the time in between dinner and television admirably for millions of families for years.

But just how practical were those murder weapons? The revolver, the spanner, the candlestick, the rope, the dagger or the lead piping?

Possible murder weapons from Cluedo

In the first of a series of posts, we are going to look at...

The Candlestick

It lacks the penetration of the dagger or the stopping power of the pistol, but the candlestick would appear to be favoured by murderers in the Cluedo world exactly one sixth of the time.

This heavy and relatively club shaped ornament would traditionally be made from brass, giving it a lot of weight and a reasonable amount of bludgeoning power. Readily available in most homes that have nine or more rooms in the ground floor, often in the Dining Room or Library, the candlestick makes up for in availability what it lacks in portability.

The primary weakness is the size, weight and shininess of the weapon.

In the criminal fraternity studies have shown that guns, knives and explosives are preferred to items of decorative brassware when dispensing 'street justice' - and with good reason. A staff member of the restaurant in The Godfather would no doubt have noticed if a massive brass candlestick had been hidden behind the cistern, and rumours that the first draft for Die Hard had Bruce Willis confronting the terrorists at the end with a candlestick attached to his back with Merry Xmas tape have been debunked by industry insiders.

In a lot of ways, the candlestick is the lightsaber of its day; an elegant weapon, for a more civilised age. It harks back to days of pomp and chivalry, tradition and class. If a Jedi would charge down blaster fire and cavalrymen would wave swords at musket balls, then surely it's perfectly acceptable for a gentleman to bring a candlestick to a gunfight?

Pros: Club-shaped; wipe-clean.

Cons: Fingerprint vacuum; heavy and shiny; hard to conceal in a prison shower or dark alleyway; is a massive candlestick.

Next time: the revolver... is the convenience worth the noise?

A Guide To Booking A Successful Murder Mystery...

Organising a murder mystery can seem like a long and daunting task but it doesn't have to be! We've put together a step by step guide for anyone looking to hold a private murder mystery using a passionate and professional company. We've got over 20 years experience and are happy to help from the very beginning all the way through to the bloody end...

Step One - Decisions

Generally perceived as ‘an evening of fun entertainment’ (which they absolutely are), murder mysteries are also great icebreakers and team building events. They stimulate creativity, encourage problem solving and offer a great opportunity to build relationships. The first thing we would recommend is deciding on the aim of your murder mystery. Have a think about the reason for the event and what you want to achieve.

  • Is it purely for fun & entertainment?
  • Is it a reward or celebration?
  • Is it a team building event?
  • Do you want to integrate new team members, increase communication, etc?
  • Is it a bit of everything above!?

Different murder mysteries will be more effective for different objectives. If you’re looking for pure unadulterated fun then you may be swayed by the theming of the murder mystery. For example, Murder and the Mob is very popular due to the option of a  glamorous dress code. However if you want to really challenge your guests ensuring some serious teamwork, you may consider something trickier like The Da Vinci Files.

Knowing what you want out of your murder mystery can help us to advise you on which to choose. They are all great fun, but we have worked hard to provide events that focus on different priorities, whether it's an emphasis on audience-participation, lateral thinking, team based communication, creativity or problem solving.

We don't dress the same event up with a couple of different characters or settings. Rather, we meet your specific requirements - whatever those requirements may be!

Next we'll be looking at all the important things to consider and ways to keep all the group happy!

Welcome to The Murder Mystery Company!

The Murder Mystery Company

The Murder Mystery Company are proud to announce the launch of our brand new website!

Part of award winning team building company CCC Events, The Murder Mystery Company has been running successful murder mysteries for 21 years.

We run murder mysteries throughout the UK and Europe, for groups ranging in size from just five or six right up to many hundreds. Our professional actors and well scripted scenarios have been well received by all who experience them, and we have the pleasure of having worked with more than half of the FTSE 100!

Take a look at some of our most popular murder mysteries, read more about where we work or simply start from the beginning and find your own way through our site.

And please follow our blog - not only will we be using it to announce new and exciting events, but we will also be exploring all things murder-related, in our quest to remain very much the best in the business.

Welcome to The Murder Mystery Company...We're dying to entertain you!